Acupuncture - Traditional Chinese Medicine
Famous for its success in treating pathologies such as:
Muscular pathologies and osteoarticular degenerative processes
Headaches and migraines
Rheumatic diseases
Autoimmune pathologies
Gastro-intestinal pathologies
Menstrual disorders and Menopause
Sleep Disorders
Anxiety and Depression
Stroke sequelae and paralysis
Acupuncture (or acupuncture) has a long history, having been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for over 5,000 years. In the West, acupuncture is recognized as a therapeutic for pain because it causes a release of endorphins caused by stimulation of the needles on specific points and meridians of the body.
Chinese Medicine - acupuncture is recognized by the World Health Organization, which is the most widely used health system worldwide with about 2 billion users in more than 100 countries.
What you can expect from a Chinese Medicine (acupuncture) treatment at Casa Sakra:
Safe Medicine: Traditional Chinese Medicine and acupuncture when performed by a competent practitioner has no risks or unwanted side effects.
Quality service: provided by qualified and experienced professionals. Our therapists integrate the clinical and psychotherapeutic aspects with the ethics and confidentiality that characterize the role of excellence of a health professional.
Personalized Treatment: Each patient is unique. Before treatment, a thorough diagnosis is made based on observation, palpation and clinical questionnaire. The treatment is directed at acute as well as chronic complaints, seeking to give the patient during and immediately after the treatment an effect of tranquillity and well-being.
Painless Treatment: The techniques applied by the practitioner of Chinese Medicine are gentle and painless.
Preventive medicine: Chinese medicine is an excellent system of prevention against disease, as well as ensuring very satisfactory effects in increasing vitality and longevity.
Efficacy: Three thousand years of uninterrupted use by a third of humanity constitute the most colossal experimental demonstration of efficacy ever produced by man. Its growing demand, mostly by the so-called educated classes, demonstrates the place it has already gained in modern culture.
Throughout the treatment the patient may experience a feeling of deep relaxation and well-being. You should not expect to experience any pain or discomfort associated with the treatment.
Our clinical experience has provided our patients with remarkable results.
Chinese Medicine treatment includes:
Diagnosis (observation, palpation and clinical questioning)
Acupuncture (application of very fine needles on specific points and meridians of the body)
Phytotherapy (selected quality herbal formulas)
Tui Na massage
Dietotherapy (prescribing an appropriate diet)
Auriculotherapy (treatment through the ear)
Wind therapy
Physical practices (integrated breathing and energy circulation exercises, and meditation such as: Chi Kung, Tai Chi Chuan and some martial arts) considered prophylactic methods for health maintenance or forms of intervention.
The culmination of knowledge acquired over millennia of observing nature and understanding disease. Specialists in Acupuncture.
Célia Fernandes
Graduated in Traditional Chinese Medicine (ESMTC) in Lisbon.
Trained in Japanese Acupuncture Toyohar style.
Trained in Jing Fang, Classical Chinese Herbal Medicine.
Founder of Casa Sakra, in 2009.
I grew up in Lisbon and throughout my adolescence I dreamed of being a professional dancer. It was Dance that led me to embark on the world of Internal and External Martial Arts, starting initially as a self-taught practitioner of Chinese Medicine.
In 2004 I graduated in Traditional Chinese Medicine from the School of Chinese Medicine and Nanjing University.
I practiced Martial Arts for 10 years and graduated in Yogatherapy from Swami Vivekananda University in Bangalore.
In 2009 I began my studies in Japanese Acupuncture by the Toyohari Association and since 2020 I have been dedicated to the study and prescription of Jing Fang, Classical Chinese Herbal Formulas.
Casa Sakra was born from a clear vision that success is based on the integration of knowledge and experiences in health and life.
Mafalda Camões
Graduated in Traditional Chinese Medicine in Lisbon.
Specialized in Classical Chinese Herbal Medicine - Jing Fang.
Trained in Electro-acupuncture, Japanese Acupuncture, and Moxibustion.
She began her studies in this field in 2012, completing a five-year course in Lisbon at UMC - the European partner of ChengDu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Since then, she has been specializing in various acupuncture techniques, including Japanese acupuncture, and in personalized Chinese herbal medicine (Jing Fang method).
"This is a medicine that has sparked a great passion and curiosity in me. It is, in a way, a medicine that becomes a way of being and living, approaching the human being as a whole and considering their environment and the importance of connection with Nature."
Joana Santos
Graduated in Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Specialized in Japanese Acupuncture and Moxibustion.
Training in Integrated Reflexology.
For many years I worked the land, planting trees and vegetable gardens, it is a connection that will always exist in me, how important contact with the land and nature is.
This connection also awakened curiosity about plant medicine and the promotion of health in a more natural way.
I discovered Chinese Medicine through friends and books and was captivated.
I then began studying Traditional Chinese Medicine, which over the years was complemented by various training within the therapeutic area.
I specialize in Japanese acupuncture in the Kiiko Matsumoto style, which uses diagnostic techniques based on palpation and the direct effect of the needle on the body's reflexes. Japanese acupuncture is also a softer and more delicate style, where a lot of work is done on the surface of the body with profound results.
I also specialized in advanced moxibustion, which is a very effective technique for treating pain and regulating the body's balance.
I have successfully treated cases of gynecological, respiratory, digestive and pain problems.
I also specialize in reflexology, a therapy in which the principle is to use specific points on the feet and hands that connect with the organs and systems of our body, promoting body balance and relaxation.