Sacro-Cranial Therapy
Craniosacral Therapy is so versatile in its ability to help anyone thrive in their life.
During sessions, long held tension, stress and anxiety can be released, helping
bones and tissues to align and move towards health effectively.

Sacro-Cranial therapy is a very delicate manual therapy which consists of placing the hands on the patient's body and examining the membranes and the movement of fluids in and around the central nervous system.
This therapy assists in the release of the fascia, a kind of "net" that surrounds our body and which when worked on through Sacro-Cranial therapy will enable the body to heal and readjust itself.
This therapy is ideal for relieving pain and tension, as well as post viral recovery, suitable for mothers and babies and relieving the symptoms of cancer treatment.
It is especially effective in treating back/neck pain, sciatica, tinnitus, headaches, digestive problems and for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Very gentle manual therapy aimed at improving the physiological function of the cranial sacral system.
Cátia Rodrigues
She is a native of Lagos and from an early age she was interested in helping others, volunteering and seeking to contribute positively to the lives of those around her (community), always aiming at their physical and mental well-being. She started training in Massage in 2009, but it was when she started her practice on a daily basis, about 8 years ago, that she deepened and applied her knowledge producing more and more results. Since then, her aim has been to bring massage into people's lives, and to witness how much it contributes to her clients' daily lives, bringing greater quality of life, more vitality, clarity and general wellbeing.
In collaboration with specialists in Chinese Medicine, she has been practicing techniques such as Cupping Therapy and Moxibustion, and the results of the combination of both have been increasingly evident, now being an integral part of her daily practice in her treatments. Trained in Massage and Cupping therapy, and in constant deepening, she has also recently started training in Reflexology.